Friday, June 06, 2008

First Experiences with my Unborn Son

I've always been pro-life but somehow experiencing my wife's pregnancy with our first child has made me a much more adamant defender of the unborn children's right to life. It was so amazing to see our baby's first ultrasound at only 6 weeks into the pregnancy. I wasn't expecting to see really anything much so early on but surprised that I could easily make out were the head was even though it wasn't fully developed. What really made me stop and marvel however, was seeing our baby's heart pulsating on the monitor clear as day. I just couldn't get over that the small beating heart was my child complete with my DNA. It was really one of the most amazing moments of my life.

Since then we've had multiple ultrasounds and found out that we are having a baby boy. Somehow it never ceases to amaze me as I see my son and hear his heart beating, what a little miracle he is. It's just an awesome feeling to know that this little person who is waving his tiny fingers and moving around will be such a large part of my life. I look at his face and wonder if he has my ears or my wife's eyes. Just recently I've started to feel him move. My wife has felt him move for probably over a month now and after many attempts with my hand on her tummy, I finally got to feel him as well. I was expecting the first time I felt him he would just feel like a little indigestion but instead I felt a really big kick almost like my wife had the hiccups; Just another incredible sign of the life inside her.

After all of these experiences with our unborn baby it's become even more clear to me that abortion kills innocent children. How can people say it is abuse to hurt a child after he or she is born but at the same time ok to kill that same child while in it's mother's womb? Where a person is located doesn't make that person any less of a person. Some argue that while in the womb the baby is relying on the mother for survival. To that I would say that a 3 year old child is just as reliant on his or her parents and home to survive so that doesn't change the fact that the unborn baby is a person. Other's will bring up that women should have a choice if they want a child and of course the truth of the matter is that they do. The choice should be made before the baby is even conceived and even if the parents aren't ready to have a child they still would always have the option to put their baby up for adoption.

This all seems so obvious to me now and yet apparently many people in our society see it quite differently. You simply cannot tell me that my son, still in the womb, is any less of person now then he will be when he is born. Believe me he moves when he hears loud sounds at sporting events and has capacity of all his senses. How can people say it would be ok to kill him? Mother Teresa often said that, "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion," and thanks to my unborn son I now fully understand what she means. Nothing could be more wrong then if I as this baby's parent didn't allow him to live. I know many people face less then ideal circumstance when faced with unplanned pregnancy's but if you are considering an abortion as way out of a rough situation, make sure you stop and think about what the procedure actually does. Giving life to your child is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give. Choose life! Choose love!

My Baby Boy

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