Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Armadillo Photos

One of my favorite hobbies has turned into a new photo blog. Armadillo Photos is up and running. I've added a link to it to the side bar of this blog. Hopefully I will be able to post a new photo on most week days. My photos will undoubtedly cover a wide variety of subjects. Most will probably come from my digital camera which is a Sony Mavica CD500. It’s a few years old now but still takes great pictures and has enough manual controls to let me be creative. I also have a 35mm SLR camera (Cannon AE-1) so a few of those shots might creep in as well.

A little background about my photography experience: My mom got me started taking pictures for 4-H projects when I was little and I really enjoyed it and even won a few trips to the State Fair with it. Then in high school I took pictures of school sporting events for the local paper. My first year in college I worked for the school as a yearbook/publicity photographer then, after switching schools, I began working as at Wal-Mart as a portrait photographer. In college I earned BFA with a major in Graphic Design and a minor in Photography. Since then I haven’t really done much with photography so now I’m excited to pick it up again.

I hope you enjoy my photos. Photographs can say different things to everyone who looks at them so I would love to get feedback on what they say to you. Thanks for sharing my hobby with me.

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