Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Artwork of Life

I pulled up to a stoplight this morning. Rain was gently falling and beading on my windshield and was illuminated in a pulsing manor by a red turn signal from the car in front of me. It was one of those moments where everything seemed to be in synch with the world around me. It was like I was experiencing a planned work of art.

The thought then occurred to me that my life is like an artwork. In a way we are all participants in a performance art each day we live. This artwork can encompass joy and suffering, and every kind of emotion possible. Like a work of art, our lives can mean different things to different people. Some people may see us as an inspiration, while others may not hardly even notice us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyone who we come in contact with will have a slightly different perspective of who we are. Like an artwork our lives meaning can change when juxtapositioned with others and when viewed under different light or over the passage of time. The wonderful thing in all of this is that we play a big part in the creation of this artwork. Sure we can’t control everything but there is plenty that we can control and we can definitely influence what direction our lives take.

It’s also interesting to note that some of the best artworks that really touch and move people aren’t the “pretty” ones we put over our fireplace, but the ones that are full of distress and at times are difficult to look at. No one likes to experience pain but the truth is it will always be part of our lives and it is not without merit.

What kind of artwork will our lives be? We each hold a pallet full of colors in one hand and a paint brush in the other. What we do with them is up to us.

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