Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Memorable Move...

My wife and I helped her brother’s family move to a new apartment last Friday. It was quite the experience and I really felt bad for her brother as they kept encountering one problem after another. Most of the problems were due to lots of red tape that their application had to go through before they could get approved. The fact is they were given keys and had half there stuff moved in before they were told that they needed to supply more information to get approved. What a hassle.

We got to their old place after work on Friday and found them frantically trying to get an old computer to work. It was coming up in safe mode and wouldn’t let them print out some records they needed. My wife’s brother asked me if we could connect the hard drive to their newer computer to get the stuff they needed off it. I’ve done this a few times in the past so we decided to give it a try. We opened both computers up and took the old hard drive out, set the jumpers to a slave configuration and cabled it into their new computer. It worked like a charm and before you know it we had the info they needed. They still weren’t officially approved to move in but we decided we’d better move them anyway as their lease was up the next day on their current apartment.

Fortunately their new place was only a 15 minute drive down the interstate and we were able to get most of their stuff packed on our first trip. My wife’s brother took the trailer back to get the final remaining items while the rest of us finished unpacking what we had brought. When he got back with the final load we started walking towards the trailer to unload it and I smelt a strong skunk smell.

“Something sure smells good,” I said sarcastically.

“That was me,” my wife’s brother said. I looked at him thinking he was joking. “No, really,” he went on. “I hit a skunk on the way over.”

Not thinking much of it we continued unloading stuff until we came to the final item, their mattress. As we carried it into their new place I realized the skunk smell had come with us. Yep, their mattress being on the bottom of the trailer, had taken the brunt of the skunk smell. We sprayed it with febreze and laughed about it which is about all we could do at that point.

I’m happy to say that their application did get approved so they can finally breath normal knowing that they are in their new home. Of course if that skunk smell is still lingering, then I guess they better be sure to breath through their mouths for now.

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