Thursday, February 23, 2012

Republican Presidential Debate: Ron Paul's the only one not sweating

I caught a little bit of the republican presidential debate last night and for the most part it just confirmed what I already know. These guys are all politians for sure, but amid all the mudflinging and accusing going on and scampering to explain why they voted a certain way, Ron Paul stood out as the only one not worried about how his answers would be percived. He always seemed calm and confident in what he was saying. I don't think I heard any of the other candidates call him out once. Admittedly that coudld be due to the fact that he's never been viewed as the frontrunner but perhaps it's also due to the fact that Ron Paul has continuously been very consistent in his beliefs and actions making it hard to find things to nit pick on. To be fair I don't always agree with him but I find his resolve to lessen the federal goverments involvment in our lives and to uphold our Constitution refreshing. He's obviously a man of conviction and not at all interested in pandoring to any groups in the way that Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich continuously do.

So why is Ron Paul seen as an extreemist with no realistic chance of being ellected? He obviously has a lot of supporters and I for one think his stark contrast with President Obama may be the most realistic chance for the Republicans to take back the White House. That probably scares a lot of people in the media who favor bigger goverment and more goverment programs. Even the other republican candidates I think are a little frightened by what Ron Paul stands for.

Now I need to be honest, if Ron Paul were ellected president it wouldn't magically fix anything. And I suspect that any of the other republican candidates would actually act very similar as comander in chief and would work to reduce goverment. Ron Paul however, represents a desire to return to our hertiage and what made this a great country in the first place. That's what makes him different. When Ron Paul speaks it never seems to be about him but instead is all about upholding the constition. I like that in a candidate and that's why I like Ron Paul.

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