Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Centerfield Stat Analysis (Part 2)

Our three starting centerfield candidates all have had another ten plus at bats and the difference in these numbers from the ones in my last post just goes to show how meaningless stats are at this time of the year. That being said I still continue to look at them in an attempt to understand who is winning the battle and will be wearing a Minnesota Twins' uniform in centerfield on opening day. Let's run through our three candidates and see which direction their numbers are moving.

Denard Span -- His numbers are slightly lower then my last analysis but overall he's remained very consistent as he still is hitting 276 with an on base percentage of 400. That on base percentage would look pretty good in the lead off spot if he can keep it up all year.

Jason Pridie -- His numbers have actually slightly improved though like Span he is staying fairly consistent. His batting average has dropped a few points to 297 but his on base percentage and slugging are both up a bit. He did finally get an extra base hit but still has a very empty batting average. The biggest problem I see is that he has stuck out 7 times to only on walk. Yikes!

Carlos Gomez -- Here is where we see the biggest improvement as Gomez raised his batting average almost 100 points to 263 as well as his on base percentage to 286. Not great numbers by any means but considering where those numbers were a few days ago, that's a huge step in the right direction. His slugging went up even more drastically from 292 to 500 as continues to make his hit's count in big ways. In that sense he's the exact opposite of Jason Pridie. Gomez has been exciting once he's gotten on base as well as he stole 3 more bases in the last few days doubling his total.

I got to watch these guys play on TV this weekend and I'm definitely pulling for Gomez. Span still continues to look consistent and is probably better suited for the lead off spot but Gomez is going to be a pretty exciting player and should continue to improve. That is probably the most valuable thing from looking at these meaningless statistics again. None of these players are putting up jaw dropping stats but one of them looks like he could. And who knows, in another week maybe he will.

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