Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"Merry Christmas"

A lot has been made this year about being politically correct and saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Initially this really bothered me as Christmas has ever since I can remember, been much more then just a religious holy day in this country. And why should people feel offended if they don’t celebrate Christmas and someone wishes them a Merry Christmas. Next thing you know we won’t be able say “Happy 4th of July” for fear that everyone in this world is not American and thus doesn’t celebrate it. It just seems that as a society we get too bent out of shape about these things.

However, the more I thought about it the more I realized that I myself was really getting bent out of shape over the issue. If society want to separate the holiday form the holy day that’s fine and maybe even for the best. After all the true meaning of Christmas has arguably been diluted with gift giving, lights, and other traditions. Not that any of these are bad in themselves but if people leave out the miracle of God becoming one of us in manger then it really is just a winter holiday. I guess to me Christmas has always been both a holiday and a holy day and I’d hate to remove either. I’ll continue to say “Merry Christmas” to people this time of year because that is what I celebrate and I hope others feel free to offer me their own holiday wish whatever their beliefs may be.

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