Thursday, November 03, 2005

Reflecting on All Saints Day

This week we celebrated the feast of All Saints Day. I’ve never given this Catholic feast day much thought but it struck me this year that this will hopefully be my own feast day one day. It’s a day set aside to honor all saints including those beatified by the Church, but especially those who only God knows for certain to be saints. As a Catholic I was always taught that all people are called to be saints (a saint being someone who is in perfect union with God—almost unachievable in this life). Very few people however, are given the official title of saint and a separate day of the year to be remembered on. So this feast is really about the ordinary saints that we hope to one day be. I know I’m far from a saintly person today but by God’s saving grace all things are possible. For now I sit in the congregation of the living and join with all saints, both popular ones and unknown ones, and praise God for His Mercy and Goodness.

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