Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Little Visitor

My wife and I got to baby-sit her brother’s 13 month old baby boy the other night at our home. For the first hour we had him he was more then content climbing up and down the steps in our slit level home (of course with us right by his side). He’s at a fun age and is curious about everything. We were surprised at how much he already understands about the world we live in. He loves remotes and definitely understands that they control the picture and sound on the TV. He also knew to push the little red “push here for music” label on a stuffed bear we had to make it sing. Then he would bob his head to the beet and get a big grin on his face. He also apparently loves to explore and made himself at home in a whicker basket that we normally keep stuffed animals in. What a cute kid.


SBG said...

Howdy from SBG!

armadillo44 said...

Thanks for stopping by SBG. I enjoy your site.