Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Don't 'mind' me ... just a few deep thoughts

As my 5 year old daughter's soccer coach, I've found that trying to get 9 preschool aged kids to form two straight lines has to be one of the most difficult things I've ever done. The thought has crossed my mind that if I as an intelligent being cannot direct a handful of other intelligent beings to do such a simple task, the odds of it happening by mere chance are almost nonexistent. That got me thinking about how amazing our world is. The way it functions and even we function, is infinitely more complex then what I was trying to achieve on the soccer field. My experience with these kids may just be the best evidence I can point to showing that our world has a master designer behind it all.

The evidence is all around us from large complex things to the small smallest details. Take for instance our brain. Our parish priest recently shared this article on how our brains work and how misguided our understanding is on how they function. It's a fascinating read and I highly recommend taking a few minutes with it. There are so many points that I found interesting but it all basically boils down to the fact that "your brain is not a computer," and in fact it isn't like anything that we can explain. Despite what we've been told and it is infinitely more complex than anyone could imagine. The author may suggest that that an intelligent god infusing us with its spirit is an outdated metaphor to explain human intelligence, but such complexity in my mind only further supports intelligent design just as the kids on my soccer team do.

I'll wrap up these 'mind' blowing thoughts with a little thought I had the other day. God could have made a perfect world with perfect people (that would be logical and the way I would have done it), but amazingly He accomplishes perfection with and through our imperfectness. That may be the greatest wonder of all.

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