Monday, December 19, 2011

Jason Kubel...the next David Ortiz?

It now sounds official that Jason Kubel has signed a deal with the Arizona Diamondbacks. Reports are saying he has a two year 15 million deal. I'm not real knowledgeable in analyzing numbers to say if a player is worth a certain amount but this is one player that I think the Twins will regret loosing in much the same manor as when they lot Ortiz.

I've heard a lot of people talk about how Kubel is just an average outfielder and should be easy to replace. I think the problem is average is not always as easy to find as some would think. Also consider that Kubel was likely one of the best hitters on the team. Despite his injury shortened year in 2011, he still managed to show that he had the most power on the team (outside of Jim Thome of course) and he could hit for a decent average too. I know the Twins didn't especially like his defense and Target field is certainly a better place for someone with a little more speed but Kubel has continued to improve offensively each year and I can definitely see him putting up some huge numbers for Arizona. For a Twins team that is short on power, loosing him is a tough pill to swallow. Yeah they get a draft pick and yes they did sign Josh Willingham but to me loosing both Cuddyer and Kubel makes that pickup a net loss. Not to mention it gives the team less depth. The argument can be made that they should use the money saved to go after pitching and that's fair but it's pretty sad that this team has decided it "has to cut salary" and as a result failed to bring back one of Cuddyer or Kubel.

In all fairness I suspect that Kubel wanted out as Target Field was not kind to his numbers which will look even better in Arizona. Get ready in a year or two to hear about the one that got away this year. It won't be Cuddyer or Nathan. People will be talking about Jason Kubel (the new Ortiz) and say "Remember when he used to play in Minnesota..sure would be nice to have someone like that on the team."

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