Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Giving thanks to God for His mysterious ways

This morning my wife and I awoke to find a message on our answering machine telling us that her uncle Dan was getting a new heart. He's been waiting for a heart transplant for quite some time now and we had been told that there was a good chance it would happen over the holidays. I can imagine the emotions that he must be feeling this morning as he goes in to receive a new heart. It is definitely a scary thing, as no one knows how his body will handle a new heart. Still this news is an answer to prayer.

The strange thing is that someone's life had to end tragically for Dan to receive this new heart. One person's bad news is another person's good news. Life is definitely not fair, but what an awesome gift he has received. As I say a prayer for Dan this morning that the surgery goes well, I also offer a little prayer for the person who is giving Dan this gift and that person's family who must be grieving right now.

Listening to this morning's daily Scripture readings, I thought it was appropriate that they dealt with giving thanks to God. The Psalm talked about this directly, and the Gospel reading was actually about the woman named Anna who had waited for years to see the promised Messiah. Upon meeting the baby Jesus, it says she gave glory to God. I'm sure it was not easy waiting for eight years just like it hasn't been easy for Dan to wait for this new heart. I do see a difference in Dan however as he has found a new zeal for life. Uncertainty and practicing patience is never fun, but God does use it to help us grow. Amazingly God always finds a way to take our pain and suffering and bring something good out of it.

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