Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don’t dunk your remote…that’s better for milk and cookies

Yeah, everybody knows that electronics and water don’t mix. Sure if your camera or cell phone get splashed it’s not a big deal but actually dunking such a device into a glass of water is definitely pushing things. Well a couple nights ago my subconscious mind decided to test logic in what has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever done.

That night I laid in bed watching the news or a Mythbusters’ rerun or something else. I can’t really be sure cause at some point I fell asleep with the TV on. Hours later a loud commercial brought out of a deep sleep and I realized that I had forgotten to turn off the tube. Still half asleep I fumbled for the remote and pressed a number of buttons until at last my figures found the power button and the TV turned off. Now in a darkened bedroom I reached over to set the TV remote down on my nightstand.

I could have felt the top of the nightstand and gently set the remote down but this is where my subconscious deemed it a perfect time to see if a remote controller can float in a glass of water. As the remote slipped into the water sitting by my bed I remember thinking, “You idiot, you just put the remote in your water glass,” but I was so tired and out of it that it still took me what seemed like forever to fish it out of the glass. I immediately wondered if I had broke it but left it on the nightstand till morning.

Now all this made me quite thirsty and having already done one stupid thing I began to ponder another. “Probably not a good idea to drink water that’s had a remote sitting in it,” I told myself. But in the end my thirst got the better of me so instead of getting up and retrieving a new glass, I quickly guzzled the tainted water down and went back to sleep.

Well morning came and remote was still wet. I shook my head as I looked at how the remote would have barely fit into the glass. Nothing to do now but to take the batteries out of it (better late then never) and let it dry out for the rest of the day. Now a few days removed from the incident the good news is that I’ve suffered no ill effects from drinking the water after dunking the remote in it. The bad news is the remote has become a paperweight with buttons. So that ends my scientific experiment of dunking a remote in water and it’s safe to say that it’s still just as bad of an idea as it’s always been. Best to leave the dunking to milk and cookies.

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