Thursday, March 02, 2006

A New “Opportunity”

Every morning when my wife and I get up we are greeted by our energetic little puppy. She wags her tail wildly and stands on her hind legs so she can reach up and lick us to death. This morning my wife mentioned that it’s pretty remarkable the way she gets so excited about the beginning of a new day with us. This got me thinking how easy it is to forget to count our blessings as we deal with the daily headaches of our life. After all each day is a gift and we never know which one will be our last.

My former manager loved to declare that he had a new opportunity for me when he had a new project to give me. My coworkers and I would just smile because we new the word “opportunity” was really his way of saying we’d be getting more work to do. It’s good to look at the positives though and this was what my manager was trying to communicate. Some people might just see more work but hopefully we would see the chance to improve our selves, company and clients.

It’s all about attitudes. Is the glass half empty or half full? As long as something is in her dish, I don’t think our dog really cares. It’s this worry-free attitude that I hope to embrace. So many things we can’t control but the one thing we can is our attitude. Each day...each moment is a new opportunity. One that we will never be given again. Let’s make the most of it.

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